Saturday 31 March 2012

Tonight I went to the Onyx Moon Eternal Party on Impulse. Impulse pulled out it's seldom used venue The Darkness, this little hole in the ground with it's dim lights, dark fog and small dance floor is the perfect place for a bunch of vampires and their friends to have a party. The theme was Dark Passions and there were some hot men vying for the 5000L prize also Regi Yifu also donated a Regimade Fuckin Driftwood valued at 5000L and another 5000L went into the sploder.

The crowded dance floor in The Darkness

Alexander Balderdash the winner of the event.

DJ Ralphy was pumping out the tunes with his eclectic mix of the latest hits mixed with remixes of classic songs and rock and roll.  

Me being dark and  passionate 

DJ Ralphy and his sexy husband Scott Ludlow

Avacar Bluestar The hottest man in SL

This was one of the best events I have been to in a long time, tons of energy and fun. The music was great, the venue was an intersting change from the bright lights we see in so many venues now days.


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